Polythene FAQs

What is polythene?
Polythene is a lightweight, durable thermoplastic material made with variable crystalline structures of polymerization of ethylene (or ethene) monomer.

Polythene - how is it made?
Polythene is made by several methods by addition polymerization of ethene. This is produced by the cracking of ethane and propane, naphtha and gas oil. It can be produced and milled at different thicknesses to cater effectively for the end product that is desired. This means different qualities of polythene are also available and therefore a diverse range of polythene products are available.

What does µm thickness mean?
µm is a micron which is a unit of measurement. A micron (µm) is a thickness measurement 1µm = 0.0010mm. Usually used in the thickness measurement of polythene such as polythene aprons.

Can you recycle polythene?
Polythene is widely recycled but you will need to check if your local authority collects it with the recycling. However, soiled or contaminated polythene like aprons, over shoes and over sleeves, need to be discard safely in proper medical waste facilities and waste bags.

Can you be allergic to polythene or anything in it?
As with all chemically produced products, especially those using oil derivatives, allergies can occur. As with all allergic reactions, discard and seek and alternative product.


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